Random Rough Mix

February 7, 2012

Been a while comrades: heres some audio and video of stuff from the studio floor that wouldn’t otherwise see the light of day – edited together in a random fashion. Quite a large dose of Geoff Leigh in there from the work we did together and never quite finished…


Orgonite melt

November 9, 2009

Geoff Leigh has uploaded some of his video experiments with ice formed under the influence of orgonite (with a soundtrack of some music work we did earlier this year). Orgonite, a dubious by-product of the Willhelm Reich school of pseudo-science, is an agglomerate of left handed metal swarf and acrylic resin said to have mysterious and mystical properties…



Geoff Leigh on myspace

Hastings Sessions

April 4, 2008

ian land

Geoff (Leigh) was keen to broadcast the output of our recent audio collaborations – so here we go; an mp3 of rough mixes of electro-acoustic improvisation: Geoff Leigh on Flutes and Myself on ‘other things’. you can hear more of Geoff’s work on: Geoff’s myspace page. The image above was nicked from Ian land’s extensive photographic library of trees and sky around Hastings.

Crab-Leigh Hastings Sessions 8.8MB MP3 File

Geoff Leigh

March 13, 2008


Last Saturday I spent the afternoon working with ‘the legendary’ Geoff Leigh (pictured above in his cave like studio in Hastings) on some electro-acoustic improvised pieces: Geoff playing flute and various wind instruments which I processed live using granular sequencing software. This will hopefully be the beginning of a longer, currently anonymous, musical collaboration (if you can think of any good names, let me know). Geoff is a renowned multi instrumentalist probably best known for having played in an early incarnation of Henry Cow* in the early seventies, Moiré Music in the eighties and more recently with North African musicians and with those other old hippies, Faust.

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